Γ⌡Protext v5.0 Demonstration Version InstructionsΓ⌡
This demonstration program remains the copyright of Arnor Ltd.
but may be freely copied and distributed subject to these conditions:
1. The supplied files may not be modified in any way.
2. No charge may be made other than to cover costs.
3. All the accompanying files must be supplied with the program.
This is a fully functional version of Protext. The only limitation is
on the length of documents that may be edited (2K).
To use the demonstration proceed as follows:
PC: Put the disc in any drive.
Select that drive as the current disc.
ST/Amiga: Click on the PROTEXT icon.
Archimedes: Click on PROTEXT from the Desktop.
Further instructions will appear on the screen. An option to run a
rolling demonstration will be given. This is continuous running
demonstration of many of Protext's features. Please note that the
rolling demonstration is not available on the PC 5¼" disc version or
the ST single sided disc version, due to lack of space.
ΓProtext Full VersionΓ
The full version of PROTEXT v5.0 is available for:
IBM PC XT/AT, PS/2 and all compatibles with 640K memory
Atari ST with 1Mb memory
Commodore Amiga with 1Mb memory
Acorn Archimedes with 1Mb memory
ΓWhat extras you getΓ
The ability to edit files larger than 2K, limited only by disc size.
The spell checking dictionary (over 119,000 words).
The full 380 page reference manual.
Step by step reference manual.
The full complement of printer drivers.
The configuration program allowing dozens of options to be set.
A file conversion utility for importing and exporting various formats.
Entitlement to technical support as a registered user.
Notification of new products and special prices for updates.
ΓWhere to get ProtextΓ
Protext may be purchased directly from:
Arnor Ltd.
611 Lincoln Road
tel: +44 (0) 733 68909
fax: +44 (0) 733 67299
ΓTranslated versions of ProtextΓ
Protext v5.0 will be available in several languages.
The Swedish version will be available from:
Bremberg Electronics HB
Villa Bergballa 5373
S-54400 Hjo
tel: +46 503 40330
fax: +46 503 40033
A German version is also available.
Contact Arnor at the above address for details.
ΓProtext v5.0 feature summaryΓ
Protext has all the features you would expect from a good word
processor - a multitude of text editing commands, print commands,
spelling checker and mailmerge. What you wouldn't expect though, is
the refinement and thought that has been put into the program - the
logical keystrokes and commands, the clear layout, the speed and power
... all go towards making Protext ideal for the novice or the
experienced user alike.
ΓWord ProcessingΓ
Add column or row of figures
* simply move the cursor over numbers on screen to add them up
Block operations
* move, copy, delete, save, print, count words in block
* define a block with keyboard or by dragging mouse
Box manipulation
* move, copy, or delete any box as well as blocks
Cursor movement
* by character, word, line, Ésentence, Éparagraph, screen, page, to è start or end of text, start or end Éof line, to line or column or è page number, to place marker, margin, previous position
Deleting text
* forwards or back by Écharacter, Éword, Éto Éstart/end of line, to è start/end of sentence, marked block
* makes full use of all available Édisplays including 43 or 50 line è displays where available, text and graphics displays
* switch between insert/overwrite as required
* convert character or word to upper or lower case
* swap adjacent characters
File selector
* large window 'point and shoot' file selection
* Amiga and ST have option to use other file selectors
Find & replace
* very powerful and fast with Émany Éoptions. ÉAll or part of text, è forwards/backwards, whole word or part, wildcards, ignore spaces, è case specific or not, nth Éoccurrence, find control codes, single è key for next/previous find
* position cursor on a word, find that word forwards or backwards
* edit and command help available on-screen when required
* soft hyphens and non-break hyphens
* string any sequence of commands together on a single key
* easy to use macro recording
* load and save macro files
* block markers, 10 place markers, multiple markers
* pull down menus, dialogue boxes Éand Éalert boxes, file selector, è menus may be used with mouse or keyboard.
Multi-file editing
* up to 36 documents in memory, copy text between them
Split screen
* view two files simultaneously, variable size windows
Status info
* clear status line Égives Éuseful Éinformation including filename, è page line and column, marker settings and options
* line drawing
* ¡ ¿ « » ½ ¼ available with simple keystroke
Time and date
* enter into the text with a single keystroke
* retrieve text deleted in error
* acute, breve, Écaron, Écedilla, Écircumflex, Édiaeresis (umlaut), è double Éacute, Égrave, Émacron, Éogonek, Éoverdot, Éring, Étilde. è Various special characters such as l-slash are provided.
Characters provided for these languages
* Albanian, Basque, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Esperanto, è Estonian, Flemish, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Irish, è Italian, Latin, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, è Rumanian, Serbocroatian (using Latin script), Slovak, è Slovene, Spanish, Swedish, Welsh.
* German and Swedish dictionaries available now, others to follow.
Keyboard layouts
* USA, UK, France, Germany, Spain, ÉItaly, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, è Portugal
Other versions of Protext
* German version É(Prowort) Éand ÉSwedish Éversion Éalso available, è others to follow.
ΓLayout and FormattingΓ
Footnotes and endnotes
* any number of Élines, Éautomatically Éformatted, Éendnotes may be è printed at any point in the document.
Formatted layout
* any number of ruler Élines Éto Édefine document layout, unlimited è line width.
* automatic reformatting, format Éparagraph Éor Éwhole text, centre è line, word wrap on/off, right justify on/off
Headers and footers
* up to 9 lines of text, different even and odd headers and footers è possible, automatic page numbering
Indent tabs
* indent a paragraph without inserting a new ruler line
Inter-paragraph space
* you can leave 1½ lines between paragraphs
Line spacing
* any multiple of ½ line
* all margin sizes variable, separate even and odd margins
Paragraph numbering
* any number of levels possible, Roman numeral option
* print to screen to check layout
* soft spaces and non-break spaces
* any number of normal, decimal and centre tabs on ruler line
* on-screen bold, underlining, italics
Background printing
* Simultaneously print and edit
* Proportionally justifies any mixture of printer fonts
Newspaper-style column printing
* automatically formats text into separate columns (snaking)
Printer drivers
* wide range of dot matrix, daisy wheel and laser printers
printer drivers may be edited, new ones may be created
Printing options
* single sheets/continuous, first and last page to print, number of è copies, NLQ, to screen printer or file, odd or even pages
Printing styles
* bold, condensed, elite, italics, Éenlarged, pica, NLQ, subscript, è superscript, Émicrospacing, Éproportional ÉÉspacing, ÉÉany Éother è printer fonts
Typewriter mode
* direct printing for envelopes etc.
ΓGeneral FeaturesΓ
ASCII files
* pure ASCII files may be saved for transferring elsewhere
Automatic timed save
* configurable time interval
* built in floating point calculator
Command line
* alternative to menu Éfor Écommand Éentry, Éprevious Écommands are è stored and can be recalled with Écursor keys, access to system or è DOS commands and other programs
* most features and settings can Ébe configured to your preferences è with the easy to use configuration menus
The most Écomprehensive Émail Émerge Éprogram Éavailable. ÉUse Éit for èlabels, personalised 'standard Életters', Éclub Émembership lists, and èmuch more:
* read data from files from any database or spreadsheet program
* ask for variables from keyboard
* display message while printing
* include file for printing
* reformat whilst printing
* conditional printing and repeat-until loop constructs
* numeric calculations and string expressions including substrings
* commands to record information to a separate file